As a part of the NAD YLC program, we encourage campers to experience different kinds of leadership styles from being on stage to community colloaboration. Every year, we host a Mr. and Miss YLC pageant competition. The pageant competition gives an opportunity to campers that are eager to experience to develop new skills as well discover their hidden talents. Not only that, but the pageant competition also requires a committee. The committee consists of campers who volunteered to help set up the stage, decorate the area, make program books, and make sure the competition follows through. The pageant competition, itself, covers private interview, platform presentation, talent show, and on-stage interview. A total of ten teams of one girl and one boy, totaling twenty campers participated this year.
The pageant competition was very successful. The campers and staff enjoyed themselves.There were also two intermission performances which were the YLC pageant song signed by Lauren Goldberg, Raven Sutton, and Eunyoung Doucet. The other one was a humorous skit by Duke Smith.
Midnight in Paris is our pageant theme this year. |
The lovely contestants and audience! |
Team #1: Zain Ahmed and Paige Hawkins |
Team #2: Elizabeth "Lilly" Heller and Jefferey Spinale Jr. |
Team #3: Jose Escalera and Jessica Kales. |
Team #4: Samuel "Quinton" Johnson V and Victoria Murrell. |
Team #5: Tyler Horner and Chen Liu. |
Team #6: Gunner Hahn and Christine Keller. |
Team #7: Jaron Rehkop and Emaly Carman. |
Team #8: Colin Lualdi and Marisa King |
Team #9: Nathaniel Amann and Juliana Apfel |
Team #10: Setthauwt Snow and Jennifer Wickman. |
Congratuations to Colin Lualdi and Marisa King for
winning the title of Mr. and Miss YLC 2012! |
Our four wonderful judges for the pageant competition:
John Hathaway, Allie Rice, Dan Burbaker, and Amy Weeks. |
Lauren Goldberg, Eunyoung Doucet, and
Raven Sutton did the YLC pageant song. |
Until next time,
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