It is hard to believe how quickly time flies! July came in
for a short visit, and now August is opening up her welcome. The campers are
keeping us, the staff members, on our toes everyday. We are always planning new
adventures for them. Wonderful memories are already made in such a short time
and it is evident that more are already coming!
On July 29th, David Spiecker of Rochester, New
York came representing Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT). His
presentation covered Social Media and he ended his visit by sharing an ASL
story during our nightly fireside. It was obvious that the campers enjoyed his
David Spiecker presenting about "Social Media." |
Answering campers' questions. |
Campers enjoying David Spiecker's presentation. |
After a long hot day, as our Evening Program activity, the
Ice Melt game was played. Ice Melt was definitely a hit among the campers and
staff. In groups, we had to melt two objects: a bucket of ice with a rock
inside it to retrieve the rock and put on a frozen sweater after melting it
with our hands. We had a lot of fun cooling ourselves off.
Camp counselor Amanda Geffen counting down the
time as campers hurry to melt the ice. |
Jason Antal and Lauren Goldberg giving new ideas on
how to melt the ice to their team. |
CEO of NAD, Howard Rosenblum, participates with the Ice Melt
game with the assistance of our Camp Counselor, Jerry Sears. |
Christopher Pasquarelli, Emaly Carman, Heather McCauley, and
Victoria Murrell working together to melt their sweater. |
NEXUS team cheering as they finished the Ice Melt game. |
On July 30
th, it was sure an honor to have the
CEO of NAD, Howard Rosenblum fly here from Maryland to give a workshop on the
history, philosophy, and goals of NAD. The campers definitely learned the importance
of having NAD as a source of advocacy for us as deaf people. That evening, the
campers had a scavenger hunt to find their “treasure.”
Howard Rosenblum representing NAD. |
Howard Rosenblum listening to campers' comments. |
Mekayla Walker looking for a clue as her team watches her. |
Leeza Williams announcing how many clues have been found. |
On July 31
st, we had a big day. We had one of our
traditional events, which was the Olympics Day, a usual favorite among the
campers. We had a lot of game such as Wall Volleyball, where campers had to use
their beach towel to launch water balloons over the volleyball net; Capture the
Flag; Obstacle Course, and many more! When the day ended, both the campers and
staff were exhausted and definitely had a good night’s sleep.
Let the games begin! |
The Green Team: NEXUS! |
Ninja Time! |
Tug -o-War |
Obstacle course. |
Wall Volleyball. |
Christine Marshall supporting her team. |
On August 1st, it was laundry and mall day. We
had the chance to wash our clothes to make sure they are clean! After washing
our clothes, we made a stop at a shopping mall in Salem to let campers enjoy a
non-camp environment for a few hours.
On the way to the laundromat! |
Campers learning where to put soap in the washing machine. |
Shakira Mason and Chelsea Hilaire are thrilled that
their clothes are ready to use again after washing them! |
When we all returned, we had a fireside
story given by Renwick Dayton. He hails from Portland, Oregon and gave a
presentation on Deaf Seniors of America, and how we can benefit from that
organization. Dayton was generous to pass out plastic informational cards. The
cards explain what ADA is and what our rights are in requesting services
anywhere. For more information, go to
Camp Director Jonathan Kessel introducing Renwick Dayton. |
Renwick Dayton giving his fireside presentation. |
On August 2nd, Chanel Gleicher from Maryland, who
is the current NAD Miss Deaf America. She gave a workshop on “H-E-A-T” (H-
Helpful, E- Endurance, A- Assertive, T- Tact) and how we can create our own
HEAT as a person, a group, or as an organization. The night ended with laughter
and smiles because we had our traditional ASL Night. The ASL Night event is a
chance for campers and staff to be involved in performing A to Z stories,
Classifiers, Numbers, Stand Up Comedy, and storytelling using ASL.
Miss Deaf America Chanel Gleicher giving her workshop. |
Campers with Miss Deaf America. |
Our nights never are completed until we say “YLC 2012, Good
Night!” Every day, we learn new things about each other and discover new unique
skills. Some campers recently conquered their fear of being on stage or their
fear of leading a chant. Some campers learned how to write fun articles for our
Daily Drum newspaper. Some campers made sure the new strategies they absorbed
during the day are written down in their notebooks. Most of all, we are all
building our leadership skills which is creating life-lasting friendship with
each other.
Life is truly a journey.
Until next time,
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