Leonardo Da Vinci once said that learning never exhausts the mind. Indeed, it is true! Every day the campers and staff learn and grow together. We cherish every moment spent on what we can benefit from each other.
Part of our daily routine is doing calisthenics to warm up our bodies before the day begins. Each morning, we try a variety kind of exercises from running, stretching, and even to yoga.
Campers doing lunges. |
Campers finding their inner strength by doing some yoga poses. |
During our camp session, we always believe in providing a variety of workshops by different people for different reasons. By doing that, the campers gain knowledge about what benefits we have in our society today. Our camp counselors, Noel King and Priscilla Biskupiak, gave workshops on two non-profit organizations: Deaf Youth USA (DYUSA) and World Federation of the Deaf Youth Section (WFDYS). It is important to be connected with different countries in the world so we can be stronger and work together as one.
Camp counselor Priscilla Biskupiak giving a workshop on DYUSA. |
Engaging the campers into discussions. |
Camp counselor Noel King giving a workshop on WFDYS. |
Making sure that campers are aware that they can increase
their networking by joining WFDYS. |
The NAD YLC program also provides Camp Council. It is when all campers get together in the Leadership Hall and discuss concerns, issues, vote on chairpeople for certain events, and so forth. Camp Council also teaches the parliamentary procedure to campers so they can bring back this knowledge to their schools.
Camp Council President Kelly Doleac leading the meeting. |
NAD YLC is also a wonderful place to meet new people and create new everlasting friendships.
(Left to Right)L: Marisa King, Jeffery Spinnale, Raven Sutton,
Johanna Scherling |
Until next time,
My Raven Sutton is getting the experience of a lifetime! Thanks NAD YLC!!!